Google Bigtable vs. Amazon DynamoDB

March 15, 2022


When it comes to cloud-based NoSQL databases, Google Bigtable and Amazon DynamoDB are two of the most popular choices. But which one is better suited for your business needs? In this blog post, we'll be taking an unbiased look at Google Bigtable vs. Amazon DynamoDB, and comparing their key features, performance, scalability, and pricing.

Key Features

Google Bigtable and Amazon DynamoDB both offer key-value pair data storage and are both designed to handle large volumes of data. However, there are some key differences in their features:

  • Google Bigtable allows users to create column families as a way of organizing and managing data within a table.
  • Amazon DynamoDB allows users to create secondary indexes, which enable users to query for data on attributes other than the primary key.
  • Google Bigtable offers integration with the Apache HBase API.
  • Amazon DynamoDB offers integration with the AWS CLI, SDKs, and AWS Management Console.


When it comes to performance, both Google Bigtable and Amazon DynamoDB offer excellent response times and low latency. According to benchmarks from the NoSQLbenchmarking project, Google Bigtable boasts better throughput performance than Amazon DynamoDB, while DynamoDB offers more consistent performance.


Both services are highly scalable, but Google Bigtable has an edge in this area. With Google's own spanner technology, it can support databases with nodes up to 1000 while keeping low I/O latency. On the other hand, DynamoDB offers automatic sharding as the demand increases, which allows it to handle high volumes of traffic and data more easily.


Pricing is an important factor for most businesses, and Google Bigtable and Amazon DynamoDB have different pricing models. Google Bigtable offers consistent pricing based on nodes and data storage, whereas Amazon DynamoDB offers a flexible pricing model based on read/write capacity units and data storage. However, for initial use, Google Bigtable offers better costs when compared to Amazon DynamoDB in almost every metric.


So which is the better choice for your business: Google Bigtable or Amazon DynamoDB? Well, it depends on your business needs. Google Bigtable is a great option for businesses that need to manage large volumes of data but have relatively predictable traffic patterns. Amazon DynamoDB is a better option for businesses that need to handle spiky traffic volumes and require a more flexible pricing plan. Both are cloud-based NoSQL databases that offer high-performance, robust, and scalable solutions for data storage.


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